The new gift will support international undergraduate students at the University of Pennsylvania

international undergraduate students at the University of Pennsylvania

Awamienews will support international undergraduate students at the University of Pennsylvania. Alumni Daniel and Brett Sandheim have established scholarships and provided additional financial resources to University of Pennsylvania College of Arts and Sciences students from around the world. The gift from Danielle and Brett Sandheim, both Penn alumni, will support international and first-generation students in […]

A Guide for Beginners to Google AdWords For Your Business

awamienews | Running an online business in the digital age is no easy task, especially if you are competing with large brands such as Amazon. The digital market is very competitive. Brands are constantly striving to appear on Google’s first page. Even with great SEO, it can take months, or even a whole year, to reach the […]

How You Can Measure Your Business Online Performance

awamienews | Business owners must improve their digital marketing skills in today’s competitive world. It is only through digital marketing that business owners can connect with their audience, and more importantly, capture enough interest to turn them into paying clients. You can no longer rely on a simple website or social media profile to post information about […]

5 Must-Have Giveaways to Promote Your Business

awamienews | You should be constantly looking for ways to market your business. This will increase interest and help you grow. You can use promotional giveaways to increase your visibility in the local community, whether you are a business that offers products or services. Here are 5 promotional giveaways that will bring you more business and […]

5 Ways RPA can save you time and money

Every day, new technologies and innovative methods are created to streamline many processes. RPA (robotic process automation) solutions are a good way to automate business operations by using software robots that perform different tasks. This allows for people to automate a variety of repetitive tasks without having to waste a lot of time. It is obvious that if time […]

Silo Mentality is a concept that has been widely discussed

awamienews | A business planning process involves several departments. Demand planning and supply planning are two examples of supply chain planning. Supply planners are responsible for planning the product supply, while demand planners predict their demands. Other departments may include procurement, logistics, sales, etc. To forecast demand, planners of demand can collaborate with marketing and sales departments. To meet demand, […]

Benefits from Animated Explainer Video for Your Business

awamienews | These videos can be used to increase brand awareness and create emotional connections between you and your existing and potential customers. You can use them to increase brand awareness and create an emotional bond between your company and existing or potential customers. Do you want to invest in a video explaining your service or […]

Can Software Solutions help your retail business stay afloat during a pandemic?

awamienews | The sudden economic downturn that occurred in December 2019 affected many businesses. Many companies and their employees are struggling to survive as no one was prepared for this silent war. Many businesses close their doors while employees are laid off, reduced in hours, or stand down. Owners see this as an opportunity for innovation, resilience, […]

How to build a successful business team: 7 tips for building a strong work team

awamienews | Teamwork can be defined as a collective effort of teammates to achieve a goal. Ken Blanchard said, “None are as intelligent as we all.” I agree. Effective teamwork is important when you want to achieve a goal. The teamwork of a group can help solve difficult problems and create new opportunities. Strong teamwork also opens up the […]

Business Tools That Can Help You to Succeed

awamienews | Many businesses have a variety of tools they use to achieve success. These are often difficult to find. Some technologies and tools are closely monitored by many interested parties and are therefore eagerly anticipated before their release. Others can exist in the wild and be used by anyone who wants to. You may be a […]

Technology Benefits for Small Business

awamienews | Fear is the first thing that small business owners feel when they start their ventures. They have high expectations, dreams, and fears. Fear of failure, of losing money, and of competing with others keeps them on their toes. The aim is to be successful in the marketplace and to take safety measures. Their hard work can […]

5 Key Characteristics Of Every Successful Entrepreneur

awamienews | Entrepreneurship is about working with new ideas and trying something different. Entrepreneurs must be well-versed in their field, have a good grasp of their resources, and know how to empower others. Most wannabe entrepreneurs overlook one thing: finding out what drives an entrepreneur. They have their ideals but don’t think about what they are and how […]

Must-have Digital Marketing Tools to Improve Your Business

awamienews | Creating an effective content marketing plan for the business is essential for long-term development; yet, 32% of B2B companies rate their content creation workflow as good or bad. Most companies today rely on digital marketing techniques to remain competitive. Nowadays, you cannot do it alone with marketing that covers all issues from SEO to social […]

The Ultimate Guide for Starting a Courier Business Similar to Uber

awamienews |The technology has spread to all corners of the globe. The use of technical resources is very helpful. It hopped all over the delivery systems. Online shopping is a growing trend in today’s society. It can benefit both the buyer and the retailer. They can speed up their business. Delivery is a crucial part of these online businesses. As technology […]

The Extraordinary Benefits a B2B Platform Can Bring to Your Business

awamienews | Every b2b business has had the same goal: to increase sales. Most small businesses, in contrast to large companies, do not possess the manpower or capital necessary to wait for long periods before a buyer will buy their product. Small and medium-sized businesses that deal with B2B transactions find it difficult to survive. These small […]